Total Number of Different Guests: 96

This page was last updated January 14, 2000

Posted=Thu 13 Jan 2000 at 23:59
realname=Tamara Tilden
comments=Hello John, 
My fathers name is John Tilden so I just did a quick search to see what I could
find & your site popped up.  I love learning about other people with the last
name Tilden. have a great site.
Posted=Thu 02 Dec 1999 at 08:46
realname=Troy A. Cottrill
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=You have a great homepage, and a wonderful family!
Posted=Mon 29 Nov 1999 at 22:15
realname=Andee Tilden
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=I married Ryan Tilden on September 19, 1998.  So I typed in a search
for Tilden, and I came across your web page.  I am a 22 year old female from
Indiana.  Where are you from?  Please mail me back.  I will be looking forward
to hearing from you.
Posted=Wed 17 Nov 1999 at 16:35
realname=Cheryl Anne Battles
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=I really like this idea.  I'm going to steal it for my web page.  I
haven't read the rest of your page yet, but if I'm allowed to, I'll come back
and tell you what I think.  Thanks.  Cheryl.  
P.S.  Thanks for being so good to my little Em.
Posted=Sat 28 Aug 1999 at 14:15
realname=Sebastian A. Meiss
reference=Via SFF Net/The Heinlein Forum
comments=nice background picture ...
Posted=Thu 17 Jun 1999 at 19:11
realname=Norman Nie
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=Came across your web page listing on the Binghamton '91 alumni list.
Glad to see you're doing fine.
Posted=Thu 29 Apr 1999 at 07:41
realname=john ross
Posted=Mon 29 Mar 1999 at 19:02
realname=Larry Lewis
Posted=Sun 21 Mar 1999 at 13:23
realname=Derek J. Katz
Posted=Sat 20 Feb 1999 at 14:36
realname=Kimberley Sharpe-Hrivnak
reference=Quite delicious; it tastes just like chicken.
comments=I cannot believe that I stumbled over you after all this time.
Looking good, sounding happy!  Can't beat that. Keep in touch....Kimberley
Posted=Fri 29 Jan 1999 at 08:17
realname=Ian Parr
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=Beach boys link.I'am 20 years old and a huge fan
Posted=Mon 11 Jan 1999 at 19:04
realname=dusty akers
comments=i was wondering if you are the person is helping or building
some amps for my friend greg in montrose colo. thanx   joe akers
Posted=Fri 08 Jan 1999 at 02:52
realname=Wheezer Brownsnorkle
reference=Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself.
comments=I finally got my computer to let me get onto the web - big
problem for many months.  Happy belated birthday - you're thirty!!!!!
The countdown is on for me too, I know.  Let me know how you old timers
spend your birthdays!  Many happy thoughts and much love- Lisa
Posted=Sat 26 Dec 1998 at 13:09
realname=Ed Johnson
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
  I was happy to find a 'familiar face' on the Web.
Ed J
Posted=Wed 16 Dec 1998 at 21:07
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
Posted=Sat 12 Dec 1998 at 16:33
realname=John Lawrence Tilden
homepage=John Tilden-Guitarist
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=I was looking for myself
Posted=Wed 11 Nov 1998 at 14:22
realname=Dawn Grattan Kerr
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=a wish list?!? are we confident!
Posted=Fri 09 Oct 1998 at 23:29
homepage=Ladies In Red
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=JT, good to see some of the old Forum people on the Net.
My family and I have moved to the High Desert of central Oregon and
now live happily with our dogs, cats and kids on 10 acres.  I will
send a picture of our cats.
Posted=Thu 08 Oct 1998 at 13:01
realname=BettyAnne Schwerd
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=I'm looking for Bil Krauss!  He gave it to me.
Posted=Mon 14 Sep 1998 at 10:28
realname=Bjorn Blonk
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=Weesp, 14-9-98
I REALLY like your Beach Boys information!
I never read anything about the beach boys before, you brought me in
contact with the band behind the music.  Thank you for that!
Do you maybe know where I can find any tabletures of the Surfer girl and
shut down albums?
If you do, please help me by e-mailing me!

Bjorn (from the Netherlands)
Posted=Sat 12 Sep 1998 at 13:24
realname=Jessica Stanfield
homepage=The Seashore
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=I found your page on the Brian Wilson Web Ring. I love 
it too!  Please visit mine sometime.  It is dedicated
mostly to The Beach Boys.  Please come and visit it
Posted=Sun 30 Aug 1998 at 19:03
realname=Wayne L. Tilden
homepage=Light to the World Ministries
reference=Net Search Engine (other than Yahoo!)
comments= I've just been in contact with Richard Tilden of Australia.
Apparently a distant "cousin" or something to us both.  In fact, YOU
very much resemble my cousin Phil, physically, who is in Rialto,

     I was under the impression that you had a lot of genealogical
material, but did not see it here.  Maybe I just did not know where
to look.  Or perhaps I misunderstood Richard.  Nevertheless, this is an
interesting site.  (Years ago I was in touch with a Donald and Ann
[Morton] Tilden who had lots of geneaological information.  Is that the
same couple on your pages?  They were from "somewhere" in New England.)

	You may contact me via e-mail if you have any information on the
Tilden family.  I have a fairly extensive collection of the family line
from Scituate, NH. If you are "kin" to the same Ann Tilden you have
 seen all of it.
Posted=Mon 24 Aug 1998 at 22:10
realname=George Vreeland Hill
homepage=Hollywood Home Page
comments=I was looking for some Beach Boys and Beatles stuff
when I saw your web site.
You have a lot of cool things here. I'm glad I came.
I will visit again.
Thank you.
Posted=Thu 18 Jun 1998 at 21:28
realname=Chris Whalen
homepage=Chris and Donna's Web Site
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=Binghamton Alumni page
Good page !  Man, do I have some fond memories of hanging
out at the Pub listening to Bil Krauss...
Posted=Wed 17 Jun 1998 at 17:24
realname=Karen L. Cieminski
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=Hi John, I was trying to reach your "spoose"s page
but "they" said they couldn't find it, so I ended up here. I'll try
another search, but say "hi" to Christine if  I can't find her.
P.S.  It's awful tyrannical of you to demand my e-mail address, don't
you think?
Posted=Wed 10 Jun 1998 at 14:02
realname=Jennifer Jones
homepage=Jennifer's Kinda Screwed Up Homepage
comments=My boyfriend used to be a Alpha Sig at ECU in Greenville,
NC and I was just surfing the web and ran across your page!  Your
chapter is much bigger than the one at's failing rapidly,
congrats on keeping yours alive!
Posted=Fri 29 May 1998 at 23:16
realname=Kitizah Arlene
comments=Enjoyed my visit.
Posted=Tue 05 May 1998 at 20:31
realname=Anna Johnson
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=Hi JT, I am Lesile's sister! I really like the
web page about Holly Lisle. she is my favorite writer.
Well i just wanted to say hi and i like your page!! 
Posted=Fri 24 Apr 1998 at 17:59
realname=Lorrita Morgan
reference=Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself.
Posted=Tue 14 Apr 1998 at 20:28
realname=Jim Young
reference=Net Search Engine (other than Yahoo!)
Posted=Tue 14 Apr 1998 at 19:05
realname=John & Janae Crane
homepage=Crane Family Website
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=Found your site while "surfin'" Beach Boys stuff.
Surfed here 'cause we both share an interest in
the BB and SF.  Feel free to drop by our site and
say, "hi".  Cheers!
Posted=Sun 05 Apr 1998 at 12:43
realname=Lars Svendsen
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
Posted=Mon 30 Mar 1998 at 14:35
realname=Barbara Ann Larson
comments=I have and always will be a fan of the Beach Boys!!!!!!
They sing my song."Barbara Ann"! Ha, Get it? Anyway
you have a pretty interesting page here. It's great!
Posted=Wed 11 Mar 1998 at 20:50
realname=William D. Tilden
Posted=Wed 25 Feb 1998 at 20:55
realname=Madge B. Van Ness   (MadgEdith)
comments=Hey John! I finally found you. I've been missing my HF buddies,
but DH said we didn't use P* enough -- and life was overwhelming me
otherwise so I couldn't fight it. Whenever you get a chance, pass along
my Email address and greetings to the gang. Any significant news?
Hope all is going well. MadgEdith
Posted=Mon 16 Feb 1998 at 15:58
realname=Richard (I'll swap you middle names later) Ceponis
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=I don't know. One minute I was in Kansas, and then a big gust
of wind came along and I ended up here.  Well anyway due to complaints
from some of my friends, who haven't bothered to send me any e-mail
replies, we have shortened our e-mail address to:
WE have no control over the length of the part after the @. So "Suicide
is Painless" .  Are you going through a depressed period, or did you
join a national guard MASH unit?
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 1998 11:46:46 -0600
realname=Richard A Ceponis
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=I tripped on it sorting through my old e-mail.
I must empty the trash some day.
You have requiored fields on this thing? What kind of fascist anal
retentive behavior is that? Just kidding.
Posted=Thu 05 Feb 1998 at 07:27
subject=Guestbook Entry
realname=Jocelyn Cloyteen Roberts
reference=Quite delicious; it tastes just like chicken.
comments=Actually, I found it searching the web.....My father's 44th
(?) birthday is coming up and he wanted a copy of "Future History
Stories", you know, the one with Methuselah's children in it.....and
I wouldn't mind reading it again.  I just can't find a copy and I
thought someone here could help me out.  Thanks

Posted=Sat 10 Jan 1998 at 12:45
realname=James P. Craft
reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!)
comments=I linked from Mike Wheeler's Brian Wilson Page
Posted=Wed 07 Jan 1998 at 08:10
realname=Holly Lisle
homepage=Forward Motion
reference=Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself.
comments=Just wanted to let you know that, as promised, you have
finally made it into a book.  DIPLOMACY OF WOLVES, out from
Warner Aspect this fall, features the loyal and heroic Jayti, who, for
some strange reason seems to have survived.  But there will be two
more books, and I'm certain I can take you out in
suitably gruesome fashion in the second one ... or at
least by the third.  You're also credited in the
acknowledgements, along with Perry Ahern (another
"victim," and one who wasn't so lucky.)  The line
        And finally, thanks to John "JT" Tilden and 
        Perry Ahern, for cheerfully providing the bodies.
See you online soon. Hugs, Holly ============================================================ Posted=Sun 28 Dec 1997 at 00:05 realname=Kevin John Bourinot reference=Quite delicious; it tastes just like chicken. comments=Cool Dude ============================================================ Posted=Tue 16 Dec 1997 at 23:30 realname=Vera Walker reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!) comments=From your charming adorable cute fun-loving wife!!! This is a terrific site. The music really catches your attention...and then the spaceships is just wonderful. Haven't had time to review all that you offer because you offer such a variety of items that it will take some time to see all of them. Of course I was interested in the pictures...but none of them show how handsome you are or how beautiful your wife is. Your diversity is utterly refreshing... and your comments are so witty. ============================================================ Posted=Mon 08 Dec 1997 at 10:57 realname=Mrs. Tilden homepage=Christine's Campsite reference=Other (please tell me in Comments!) comments=Found site attached to mine. What an incredible site you have! Keep up the good work. ============================================================ Posted=Sun 07 Dec 1997 at 16:42 realname=Jake Narvey reference=Yahoo! comments= ============================================================ Posted=Wed 03 Dec 1997 at 22:30 realname=D. Michael Lloyd reference=Yahoo! comments=Remembered you and many others from old days on P$. Good to find you all again. DML a.k.a. CBinNJ ============================================================ Posted=Tue 28 Oct 1997 at 05:40 realname=john tilden reference=Via SFF Net/The Heinlein Forum comments=love your name ============================================================ Posted=Fri 17 Oct 1997 at 13:02 realname=Fred Needham homepage=Chesapeake Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad reference=Via SFF Net/The Heinlein Forum comments=You've got a great page. I've been reading Heinlein now for over 30 years and he has always been one of my favorite authors. ============================================================ Posted=Mon 29 Sep 1997 at 12:24 realname=Brett Miller reference=Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself. comments=Just thought I'd see what the fuss was about. Nothing (as I expected) JK - Brett ============================================================ Posted=Tue 16 Sep 1997 at 11:49 realname=robert callicott reference=Via SFF Net/The Heinlein Forum comments=hello jay! i'm interested in galactic citizenship, too. right now, however, im' preoccupied with world citizenship, and national/corporate boundaries. but hey, that Heinlein guy was something! thanx rrc ============================================================ Posted=Mon 15 Sep 1997 at 08:10 realname=Adam Lee Rasmussen reference=Quite delicious; it tastes just like chicken. comments=Hi John, I just wanted you to know that I visited your page. See ya. Take care, Spike ============================================================ Posted=Sun 14 Sep 1997 at 16:35 realname=Donna K. Clary email=fwn03061@fw.nwt homepage=Virtual Superstore-World's Finest Computer Center reference=Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself. comments=Nice Page cousin John. I found out things I never knew about you. Verrry interesting!!!! ============================================================ Posted=Sat 13 Sep 1997 at 11:12 realname=Jung Lee reference=Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself. ============================================================ Date: Sunday, 17-Aug-97 01:15 PM realname->Christopher John Yee & Catherine Diane Kurke email-> & reference->Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself. comments->A remarkable achievement. Triumphantly heralding one the internet's rising young talents in web design and innovation. A must see! **** ============================================================ Date: Wednesday, 13-Aug-97 02:42 AM realname->Joy Freeman email-> reference->Via Prodigy's Heinlein Forum comments->Hi JT! I found you through the Galactic Citizen page. Hope you're well. ============================================================ Date: Sunday, 27-Apr-97 09:43 PM realname->Scott Thumann email-> reference->Yahoo! comments->Qbryzan actually told me about your site. Just figured I would say "Hi". Hi. ============================================================ Date: Thursday, 24-Apr-97 11:26 PM realname->Nancy Welo email-> homepage->The CHAT 'Family Fight' game web page reference->Quite delicious; it tastes just like chicken. comments->(still like the chicken answer... Dear John (and 'Hi' to DC'), Have you been having any problems getting responses via the p* cgi-bin recently? Folks've been getting an error message on my page. :< Thanks, Nancy ============================================================ Date: Tuesday, 15-Apr-97 06:58 AM realname->Michaela Lindberg email-> reference->Yahoo! comments->Well. I think this is a very nice page. I hope you don't get angry if I say this: I am going to make my own homepage to look like this. I hope you don't mind! I love the stars and the moving earth!!! ============================================================ Date: Saturday, 22-Mar-97 12:39 AM realname->Rob Konigsberg email-> homepage->Rob's Home Page reference->Quite delicious; it tastes just like chicken. comments->I hunted it down over time.. Rana told me you had one, I never knew.. (I put your page on my "friends" link. Bye! ============================================================ Date: Thursday, 20-Mar-97 09:29 PM realname->Angela Cristine Miles email->dreamers @ zelacom .com reference->Yahoo! comments->This is a really cool homepage! ============================================================ Date: Wednesday, 19-Mar-97 02:54 PM realname->Theodore M Comps reference->Via Prodigy's Heinlein Forum comments->Do you remember me from the old days of Prodigy. Hey, drop me a line in the mail. Love to hear from you. Ted Comps ============================================================ Date: Tuesday, 18-Mar-97 02:25 PM realname->Erana Bumbardatore email-> or reference->Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself. ============================================================ Date: Wednesday, 12-Mar-97 06:02 PM realname->William J. Keaton "WJaKe" to my friends email-> homepage->The Galactic Citizen reference->Quite delicious; it tastes just like chicken. comments->Way cool stuff, JT! Love the page. Keep up the good work! I know, it's about time I managed to stumble in over here! How much more space do you allow me to fill up with these worthless meanderings in your guest book? More apparently. Well, I'll leave you alone, wouldn't want you to go over the limit on your web host just because I started a trend of people writing very long entries in your guest book. ============================================================ Date: Monday, 10-Feb-97 06:08 AM realname->John Lonergan, Melbourne Australia email-> reference->Via Prodigy's Heinlein Forum comments->I am a Beach Boys fan -- well, a Brian Wilson fan really -- and interested in what stuff you have. Regards, John ============================================================ Date: Saturday, 08-Feb-97 10:42 AM realname->Tiffany Ll. Parsley email-> reference->Quite delicious; it tastes just like chicken. comments->Cool web page, John!! ============================================================ Date: Saturday, 08-Feb-97 01:24 AM realname->Stewart P Sparks, Jr (Doc-Lite) email-> homepage->http:// hometitle-> reference->Net Search Engine (other than Yahoo!) comments->JT... Glad to find you! ============================================================ Date: Thursday, 30-Jan-97 09:03 PM realname->Paul Hasting email-> reference->Yahoo! ============================================================ Date: Thursday, 23-Jan-97 02:16 PM realname->Jennifer (James) Wissink email-> reference->Yahoo! comments->Hey you, remember me??? Pete Hunt told me about your web page so I decided to look you up! Cool web page! Congrats on your wedding! When was it? I got married too, on January 7, 1995. My hubby's name is Larry, and he's also a SUNY-B grad. Married life is great isn't it? Well, I'm actually ooling around on the web while my boss is in a meeting (I'm making a pretense of work), so I'd better go. Send me an email! ============================================================ Date: Tuesday, 14-Jan-97 07:25 PM realname->Charles V. Graft III email-> reference->Via Prodigy's Heinlein Forum ============================================================ Date: Thursday, 02-Jan-97 12:14 PM realname->Nancy Welo email-> reference->Quite delicious; it tastes just like chicken. comments->Dear John, Great job! (Last time I stopped by the @#$%! software would not let me sign in...grr!) Give my best to DC!! Nancy ============================================================ Date: Wednesday, 01-Jan-97 09:32 PM realname->Brett Miller email-> reference->Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself. ============================================================ Date: Monday, 30-Dec-96 08:23 PM realname->Ed J reference->Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself. comments->JT: Who'd of thought it possible! Your home page has actually improved! Way Cool, the animation is enough to gladden the heart of any visitor. BTW (If anyone has actually visited that Hot Sauce site that I mentioned on DC's page: I have a report for them: the products are first rate and the brands listed are recognizable by true aficionados of hot sauces.) Ed J HF ============================================================ Date: Monday, 09-Dec-96 11:33 PM realname->Ronald Warren Elliott email-> reference->Via Prodigy's Heinlein Forum ============================================================ Date: Wednesday, 04-Dec-96 06:37 PM realname->Wes Lewis reference->Yahoo! comments->I came searching for any articles on the "Beach Boys" for a project I had been working on lately. ============================================================ Date: Saturday, 23-Nov-96 08:45 PM realname->Grant Thompson email-> reference->Via Prodigy's Heinlein Forum comments->Heinlein Fan ============================================================ Date: Wednesday, 20-Nov-96 01:31 PM realname->Cate Carroll email-> reference->Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself. comments-> :) ============================================================ Date: Friday, 15-Nov-96 09:22 AM realname->Holly Lisle email-> homepage->Holly Lisle's Home Page reference->Quite delicious; it tastes just like chicken. comments->Hi, JT! I just wanted to let you know that your wedding pictures were delightful, and I was tickled to find myself above both Superman and Batman in the links (I like Batman best, because he's mortal and vulnerable and subject to angst. I especially liked The Dark Knight Returns.) And I wanted to thank you for the link. Tell Christine 'hi' for me, and take care. And I'll see you online. Holly ============================================================ Date: Thursday, 14-Nov-96 12:10 AM realname->Clay Steiner (aka Clay Matthews; Cpl. Ted) email-> reference->Via Prodigy's Heinlein Forum comments->Aw, hell -- you know how I found your page. Consider this a virtual "wave". ============================================================ Date: Tuesday, 12-Nov-96 12:20 AM realname->Steven D. "Tully" Roberts email-> reference->Yahoo! ============================================================ Date: Tuesday, 05-Nov-96 10:34 AM realname->Richard Lindemon email-> reference->Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself. ============================================================ Date: Monday, 04-Nov-96 05:55 PM realname->Robert J Maher email-> reference->Quite delicious; it tastes just like chicken. comments->Hi JusTin, funny meeting you here. I'll be in and out from time to that I have a functional modem again(and have less time consummed by my Deb). - Rob3. ============================================================ Date: Monday, 28-Oct-96 06:55 PM realname->Wayne Mackesy Orlando FL email-> reference->Net Search Engine (other than Yahoo!) comments->Bil Krauss rules! Hey, can somebody get me a Becks? ============================================================ Date: Sunday, 27-Oct-96 10:47 AM Subject: Guestbook Entry realname->Red Daly email-> reference->Via Prodigy's Heinlein Forum ============================================================ Date: Sunday, 27-Oct-96 09:14 AM realname->Brian Scherrer email-> (for the moment :-) ) mwsg76a... reference->Via Prodigy's Heinlein Forum comments->JT; Just thought I'd let you know I dropped by after your posting on the HF ... I haven't looked yet, but thanks for sharing the experience with those of us unable to be there in person. -- Brian ============================================================ Date: Friday, 25-Oct-96 04:28 PM realname->Wife of Yours email->you ought to know that by now homepage->Christine's Campsite reference->Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself. comments->Excuse me? HEINLEIN HAREM?????????? ============================================================ Date: Friday, 25-Oct-96 12:51 PM realname->Bil Krauss Lopez Garcia Gonzalez Sanchez email-> homepage->The Bil Krauss Music Page reference->Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself. ============================================================ Date: Friday, 25-Oct-96 04:11 AM realname->Bill Dailey email-> reference->Via Prodigy's Heinlein Forum ============================================================ Date: Thursday, 24-Oct-96 11:30 PM realname->James Hunt (GemStone email->Prodigy: PMXP46A reference->Via Prodigy's Heinlein Forum comments->I tried the Prodigy link. It did not work here. ============================================================ Date: Fri, 18 Oct 1996 12:42:28 -0400 (EDT) realname->David McGraw email-> homepage->Web Innovations reference->Quite delicious; it tastes just like chicken. comments->You've been bookmarked on my computer so long I had to clear dust and cobwebs just to get here. ============================================================ Date: Thursday, 10-Oct-96 10:34 PM realname->Tara Michelle Horwedel email-> reference->Yahoo! comments->I LOVE The Beach Boys ============================================================ Date: Saturday, 05-Oct-96 07:18 PM email-> homepage->Bryon's rEdruM Murder reference->Yahoo! comments->the Boys rock! ============================================================ Date: Friday, 27-Sep-96 04:09 PM realname->Raymond J Shoemaker email-> homepage->Ray's Web Page reference->Yahoo! comments->My great grandmother's father was John Tilden. I am looking for information on his family and also his wife's (Elizabeth Glendenning). Their daughter Isabell married Elijah Elsworth Shoemaker, my Great grandfather. They were married in Deesville IN. John's father was a Doctor and came with John to Indiana from Ohio. ============================================================ Date: Wednesday, 18-Sep-96 07:57 PM realname->Eiichi Ogawa email-> reference->Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself. comments->Congratulation on your marriage. I hope you have a long and happy life together. ============================================================ Date: Monday, 16-Sep-96 04:51 PM realname->Anthony Gigliotti email-> and homepage->My Home Page reference->Net Search Engine (other than Yahoo!) comments->Evan and I were putzing around and we decided to give a look-see. Speak to you soon. ============================================================ Date: Thursday, 12-Sep-96 05:15 PM realname->Christine Simoes Tilden email-> reference->Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself. comments->Actually I looked at the monitor and it was there. Sexy pictures, John. Are you lookin' for a good time? ;-) ============================================================ Date: Monday, 09-Sep-96 01:20 PM realname->Ed Johnson email-> reference->Net Search Engine (other than Yahoo!) comments->JT: Does this guestbook reset itself after some time period? I thought that I had signed your book quite some time ago. I hope you upcoming move goes smoothly. Ed ============================================================ Date: Thursday, 05-Sep-96 06:35 PM realname->Karen Cottrell email-> reference->Quite delicious; it tastes just like chicken. comments->Very nice Home Page. Congratulations on your marriage and best wishes to you and Christine. ============================================================ Date: Tuesday, 03-Sep-96 05:20 PM realname->Greg Johnson email-> reference->Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself. comments->Nice page,JT Hope the move is going well. My best to Christine ============================================================ Date: Tuesday, 03-Sep-96 04:33 AM realname->Lorrita Morgan email-> OR reference->Via Prodigy's Heinlein Forum ============================================================ Date: Monday, 02-Sep-96 07:39 PM realname->Jonathan P. Priest email-> reference->Net Search Engine (other than Yahoo!) comments->I'm not quite sure if you remember me or not, but I got to thinking about the good ole days of Heinlein Forum, and I remembered your name as well as D.A. Houdek and "Doc" Coffin, so I decided to track you down, and whaddya know? You've got a homepage... How's everything going on the Forum? Drop me a line when you have the time... ============================================================ Date: Friday, 30-Aug-96 01:39 PM realname->Matt Bender email-> homepage->Swerve, Inc. reference->Get a Life, John, you told me about it yourself. comments->John is nice. John watches M*A*S*H reruns when he's in Virginia. ============================================================ Date: Friday, 30-Aug-96 11:11 AM realname->Don Raphael email-> or reference->Via Prodigy's Heinlein Forum comments->I came to look at the HF Seattle pictures. Ed Johnson told me about them. ============================================================ Date: Friday, 30-Aug-96 07:02 AM realname->Dee Higginbotham email-> or reference->Via Prodigy's Heinlein Forum

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